[Wyewood] A Note from Their Excellencies

Rebecca von Groote rebecca.l.williams at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 12:48:57 PDT 2019

Good morning, Wyewood! Happy almost Friday.

After some discussion, his Excellency Alarich and I are going to start a
personal practice of attending Business Meeting FCSs in garb. We may later
extend this tradition to non-Business Meetings FCSs later.

To preemptively answer a few questions:
Q: Um, Why?  We feel that garb helps lend to the ambiance of the SCA, and
if newcomers come to meeting, it gives them a little taste of what we do.
Plus, we like garb. Because we're nerds.

Q: Should the populace also wear garb?  We're leaving this up to each of
you individually. We'd welcome anyone who wants to join us in doing it, but
we also understand that many of you come straight from work or other
obligations and it isn't practical. That's okay. No stress either way.

Q. EVERY Business Meeting FCS?  As much as we are able, baring times when
we may have to work late or come from another event. But we are human and
fallible. So we are going to do our best.

Again, this is a personal decision for us, and is not a mandate to anyone

Cheerfully in service,
Aline, Baroness

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