[Wyewood] Future Dancing in Wyewood

sbonnevi at wamail.net sbonnevi at wamail.net
Wed Aug 14 12:17:04 PDT 2019

On the subject of dance ... what should the future of dance be in 

There are only two more dance practices scheduled at Valley View 
    - Thurs August 15
    - Thurs Sept 19
What would you like to do for dance in Wyewood after that?

The interest show by Wyewood residents is pretty light, so is there 
enough interest for a regular dance practice?  There are two other local 
practices (Madrone 2nd Monday and Kirkland 1st Thursday); is that enough 
opportunity for you?  Or would you like to practice up for Feast Season 
and commit to a monthly practice for fall and winter?

If interested in dancing, please get back to me with the following 

(1) - Yes, I am interested in regular monthly dance practices in Wyewood

(1A) - If Yes, what day would be best for you (no Tuesdays): Mon, Wed, 
         (assuming 7-9 PM time frame)

(1B) - Would you like to combine dance with weekend Rapier practice once 
per month, in "nice weather" months?
        (I believe there is a covered area for shade, not an option at 
Archery practice).

(2) - I am more interested in a Quarterly practice, a longer session on 
a weekend day, with opportunities for both beginners to learn fun simple 
dances, and for enthusiasts to learn more challenging dances?

In Service -- Maestra Sara de Bonneville

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