[Wyewood] Wyewood FCS on April 12

Mir Plemmons mir.plemmons at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 19:35:52 PDT 2019

Can anyone record this? (Shooting over the heads of those who like privacy,
I know how it’s done.)

It’s been a while since I’ve taught it and I’d like to see the flow from
outside my head... and some who cannot come were interested.


In service to the Dream,

On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 10:43 LINDA Hosea via Wyewood <
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

> Greetings, Wyewood.
> Master Mir has offered to teach a rather special "class" on Medieval
> chivalry, and its realization in the SCA.  In words by Mir:
> The Chivalrous Ideals:Valor, Justice, Mercy/Courtesy, Largesse, Faith,
> Loyalty (not quite the same), Gentleness/Gentility, Honor, and what in the
> world is Franchise?  Learn what they were and what they can be for us in
> SCA daily life.
> Target time for the class is 7:30, doors open around 7:00 for greeting and
> settling!
> Sofia
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