[Wyewood] Arts Unframed Book Room

Tanayle Haga tanayle.haga at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 11:03:54 PDT 2018

Thank you, Meryld!

People, please bring books, and volunteer some time watching them.


On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 11:02 AM Gail Dausener via Wyewood <
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

> Greetings Good People of Wyewood:
> Arts Unframed is coming up soon and there is still a need for kind
> gentles to share their knowledge by bringing along some of your favorite
> books to the Book Room for the day.
> To prevent the books from walking away, the room will have attendees who
> will man the area for short periods of time so they can still enjoy the
> activities in the main hall.
> We have need of books and volunteers! Please email so I can set up a
> time for you.
> Additionally, traditionally libraries are quiet places.
> But in this case, there is no reason not to allow other activities here
> as well. So if you have projects that you want to work on and need a
> table, or a place to place a spinning wheel or such, there is room
> available here.
> So please dont forget this additional space to learn new things as well
> as work on your own projects during the day. Or just sit and chat with
> friends.
> Looking forward to seeing you soon,
> Lady Meryld Godewyn of Kent
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