[Wyewood] Madrone Baronial Banquet -- Reservations Closing Soon

Sarra the Brave sarrathebrave at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 22:13:59 PDT 2018

Greetings friends and neighbors!
The Barony of Madrone and her Culinary Guild present a four-course French
banquet based on la Varenne on November 3rd.

A few highlights include lemon chicken, cheesy-toasted bread, and a new
artichoke recipe! We hope you will join us!

This feast is by Reservation Only.
Reservations close on October 15th.

You may reserve via PayPal:

Or, you may reserve via email / USPS:
(feast_registration at baronyofmadrone.net)
Step 1 - email the following information for each attendee:
           Modern Name
           SCA Name
           SCA membership # and expiration
           ***Allergies / dietary restrictions***
*(IMPORTANT:  We can often accommodate your dietary needs, with adequate
advance notice. We cannot make accommodations after reservations close.*)
Step 2 - mail a check (SCA, Inc. - Barony of Madrone) to:
          Baronial Banquet
          Barony of Madrone
          12819 SE 38th St. #424
          Bellevue, WA 98006

SITE:  Scottish Rite Center
1207 North 152nd Street Shoreline, WA 98133

Site Opens at 10:00 AM and closes at 10:00 PM
Dinner will be served at 6pm.

Gate and feast fees:
Adult - $35.00 Feast/Gate total ($30.00 members)
Adult - $17.00 Day-only ($12.00 members)
     There is a $5.00 discount for Paid adult membership.
Children 17 and under - $20.00 Feast
Children 17 and under - no charge for Gate

Further information may be found on the Kingdom Calendar,
BaronyofMadrone.net, and the Barony of Madrone facebook group.

Yours in Service,

Sarra the Brave, GdS, JdL
*Protege & Apprentice* to Magistra Tuirrean ni Chaoilte

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