[Wyewood] Wyewood Business Meeting Notes - April 27th
Jennifer Usher
one.true.sword at gmail.com
Fri May 11 07:06:30 PDT 2018
*Wyewood Business Meeting NotesApril 27th 2018 … started at 7:26pm …
ended at 8:07pm22-25 people in attendanceBaron Evrard and Baroness
AlessandraSeneschal Lady Liadain*
*Senescahl – Lady Liadain*Bubba is new deputy to Seneschal.
Couple of open offices… Arts & Sciences, Rapier and Heavy Marshal
*Exchequer—Maestra Sara*
Kingdom reviewed Wyewood financial records on Saturday, April 21, 2018. Sara
and Lady Liadain were present for the review by Elewyn representing the
Kingdom Exchequers office.
Quarterly financial report to kingdom not quite done as of this report. Bank
accounts are reconciled through the 3/31/2018 statement. Wyewood has a
combined cash balance of $20,769.71.
For St. Bubbas event in February, overall, net $1355
*Herald—Lady Avine*
It’s been fairly quiet on the heraldic front.
One name is passed. There is one other submission from Wyewood currently
at the society level.
Processing of moving records to the OneDrive account.
Baron Evrard is a consulting deputy.
*Archery—Lord Tymme *
Archery and thrown weapons has been happening, with archery averaging about
15 people on Saturdays and probably 5-6 so far on Wed (Wed practices
started 1.5 weeks ago).
I purchased 2 tarps and some rope, so I’ll be submitting a check request to
cover that plus Bulldog target covers.
The range desperately needs to be mowed again, so I’ll be looking to have a
maintenance day as soon as we can count on good weather.
June 2 the range will be closed for Eggfest, which means we will need to
take down the target butts prior to that, and set them back up afterward
(good chance to have the range reset for Champions’).
*Rapier—Warder Martyn*
Rapier is still happening. 4-5 regular in attendance.
*** New applicant for position: Don Ramon diaz de la Vega.
Don Ramon addressed the populace regarding qualifications.
*Thank you Warder Martyn for your service to Wyewood and An Tir!*
*Arts and Sciences—Lady Constantia*
*Thank you Lady Constantia for your service to Wyewood and An Tir!*
** Accepting applications, received one: Lady Sophia
Lady Sophia addressed the populace.
Fiber Night happened: Lady Tabytha –6 people in attendance.
April 13th Chocolate Class—taught by Master Rauthuflr – 11 people in
*Chronicler—Lady Emma*Nothing too much to report.
Lady Ameline to bring Wyewood’s Library. Excited to look thru information
and history.
Going to start working on Next Wye’s Mouth.
*Webminster—Milord Geoffrey*
Some background work on website to transition to new layout.
Added members to Officer’s mailing list and followed up on recurring
Reviewed Wyewood mailing list for problems, reset 1 account with recurring
Updated Archery info on Website & Calendar
Updated Wordpress plugins & themes
Preparing for transition of Officer email links/aliases from Google to
Researching for transition of Google Calendar to use Outlook365 calendar on
*Chatelaine—Lady Tabytha*
Wyewood Chatelaine has little to report just now.
*Immediate project: *Working on ordering Chatelaine business cards, as
voted on at last month's meeting.
*Ongoing: *Introducing self and enacting the responsibility of Chatelaine
at fight practices, events, Blatha an Oir's recent Rose Tourney demo, and
whenever interest is piqued (i.e., the fabric store).
*Baronage – Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra*
At Baroness War, it was a great time.
Attending Embers and Ambrosia this weekend.
May is right around the corner and Tourney Season is approaching!
If you have any award recommendations, please let us know.
*Wyewood Champions—Event Steward: Warder MartynDate: August 11th 2018*Event
Bid received.
Financial estimates/cost:
Gate Fee: $7 for members and $12 for non-members. Under 18 is free. Lunch
is only $5.
* Port-a-john $200
* Lawn mowing $100
* Thank you tokens $50
* Food for lunch $100
Financial estimates/cost:
* 70 attendees at $7 each = $490
Looking for someone to run Gate and volunteers.
*Arts Unframed—Event Steward: Lady Tabytha Date: October 6th 2018*I
now have the relevant paperwork for the use of Kentridge High, and will
need to obtain a copy of the insurance
certificate. I intend to obtain a check for that from the Exchequer at this
Friday's meeting. Once I have insurance copy, the paperwork can be
submitted to Kentridge. The approval of that will put Arts Unframed
officially on the calendar, and planning can move forward from there.
*Requested for June Fair – Gate*
*Date: June 1st – 3rd*
Wyewood was asked to run Gate for June Fair on the mundane side / Saturday
9:30-4pm. Populace was asked and about 9? Members volunteered to run it.
Yay! Wyewood!!
*Next FCS:*
*May 11th - Today! :)*
*Next Business Meeting*
*May 25th*
End of Meeting
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