[Wyewood] June Business Meeting Notes
Linda Hosea
lmhosea at comcast.net
Mon Jul 2 21:28:17 PDT 2018
Greetings, all. I owe an apology to all and specifically to someone! When posted for comments to the Officers, I did get a couple of corrections to make - and they never happened! So sorry....
If the careful reader who found them wants to offer to the group, please do so (unless, of course, the efficient Lady Emma has saved me!) I am in the midst of preparation for ATWW, and not time to go find emails...
Stand in Note Taker
> On July 2, 2018 at 8:57 PM Jennifer Usher via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:
> *June Business Meeting Notes*
> June 22, 2018 – Friday. The meeting was enthusiastically called to order at
> 7:30, by Baron Evrard, with 29 in attendance.
> Baron Evrard began with gratitude and thanks from Dragonslaire (and his
> own) for Wyewood participation at June Faire, and the outstanding gate
> support (Yeah, Alarich and Aline!). There was also something about T.
> Rex(es?)??
> Athenaeum is the 30th – we have participants, and all encouraged to attend!
> July Coronation and September Crown are coming, anyone interested in
> coordinating a Wyewood camp would be appreciated and supported!
> Seneschal Liadain deferred any leading input in favor of comments as the
> agenda unfolds…
> *Exchequer Report – Sara. *
> -Very little financial activity to report for the month of June.
> -2nd Quarter Financial Report will be due to kingdom at the end of July.
> -Am working to get costs from five different “biffie” services for
> Champions; I need specifics on number.
> -Reminder to officers and event stewards/autocrats: ask for cheques at
> least a month before you need them. This includes society insurance
> certificate, gate change, advances for event supplies, etc.
> *Arts & Sciences Report – Sofia.*
> -Fiber Night had six participants (in spite of some illness among
> regulars...).
> -HL Aurora Rose has initiated a sewing night - alternating Mondays. There
> were four at the initial event! -Next Sewing Night will be June 25th.
> -HL Aurora Rose will be teaching a class on Hoods at the FCS on July
> 13th,with initial pattern work - no sewing. Sewing support will be
> available at Sewing Nights, and maybe at Fiber Night!
> *Herald/Pursuivant Report – Avine.*
> -A piece of armory recently passed. I am keeping an eye on a few other
> submission that are at Kingdom level.
> -I am working on a coordinating a consulting table for Champions. I don't
> know if it will be a "full-service" table or not at this point.
> -Private consulting continues via FaceBook, email, and in-person, with the
> aid of Baron Evrard.
> Please welcome my newest deputy, Lord Alarich Iarngard von Thorn.
> *Archery Report – Tymme.*
> -We have been consistently having practices Wed and Sat. Our attendance is
> around 7 people on Wed, and around 15 on Saturdays.
> -We had a crossbow prod break on Wed, with a small bit of color difference
> noticed where it broke, implying a flaw in the metal. (More colorful
> account given by Tymme – just ask him!)
> -The target pins have been gone through and the bent up ones have been
> purged.
> -Baron Evrard offered accolades for all the “best of year” and “best all
> time scores” that are being recorded.
> *Rapier Report – Ramon*.
> -Little to report due to broadly defined “life.” Said “Life” is expected
> to improve in the coming month.
> *Chatelaine Report – Tabytha.*
> -Very little to report on the Chatelaine end, though many active
> discussions!
> -I was at Madrone's Champions Tourney and Demo last weekend, and had a very
> pleasant time talking with people who were also in the park and curious.
> -At June Faire 3 weeks ago, I was present as a merchant, which gave me much
> opportunity to engage Chatelaine Mode. It went very well, but nothing
> specific to report.
> - Gabri is going to be Deputy – Tabby is on plan to be Kingdom Chatelaine
> end of next year.
> *Webster Report – Geoffrey * -Updates for email changes (Microsoft 365) has
> been done. This is being pushed by Kingdom, also linked webpages that will
> offer some efficiency for us…
> *Chronicler Report – Emma. - *Chronicler up in Canada/Girl Scout Event.
> - Working on next Newsletter; available next FCS.
> -Library – Ameline and Emma still need to connect to retrieve.
> *Baroness Alessandra.*
> -July Coronation – Her Excellency is taking land reservations, if would
> like to attend, please send dimensions by June 27th.
> *Wyewood Champions – Event Steward – Martyn. Mentor Sara*
> All is on track, biffies still being “tracked…”
> *August 11th, 2018 *Gate Fee: $7 for members and $12 for non-members.
> Guests under 18 are free. Lunch is only $5.
> Tentative Schedule for Wyewood Champions:
> 7am volunteers begin set-up.
> 9am gate opens to public.
> 10am opening court. Swearing in competitors
> 10:30 heavy and thrown weapons
> 11:30 rapier.
> 12:30-lunch, A&S, archery begins
> 3pm final rounds of archery
> 4pm closing court
> After closing court - tear down and clean up
> All competitors will be expected to declare their intentions to compete at
> opening court (10am), and be willing to swear an oath of fealty or service
> if they should be victorious (4pm). Competitors are required to be current
> SCA members, but do not have to be living in Wyewood to be a champion. We
> ask that they shall not be champions in another branch at the same time
> without permission of the Baron & Baroness (please email
> *Wyewood.Coronet at AnTir.org*).
> Facebook page created
> *https://www.facebook.com/events/616502508702831/?ti=as
> <https://www.facebook.com/events/616502508702831/?ti=as>*
> *Arts Unframed – Event Steward – Tabyha October 6th, 2018 -*The paperwork
> has been approved through the school, and I have my copy of the insurance.
> -We are definitely set for the date of October 6.
> -Tabby is interested in anyone wanting to propose activities for the event.
> -Information will be via website, with discussion traffic on the Facebook
> page in the next week or so.
> *New Business*
> *St Bubba 2019 – Proposal by Gwir.*
> -Much research for new site to allow more attendance and participation, and
> flexitility. Gwir is proposing a target of 90 feast seats, with optional
> flexibility to 100.
> - Proposal is for Les Gove Park in Auburn.
> - There was considerable positive comment on this site and proposal.
> -
> Liadain emphasized that all details are not required to submit an event
> proposal/concept. For emphasis…
> *Kingdom Dance Symposium, Sara.*
> -New event proposal!
> -This Kingdom/Known World Event is an every other year event. Those
> planning for 2019 (or 2020?) have withdrawn. Sara would like to pursue for
> Wyewood, no fixed date, sometime between April and June.
> - A “yes” was given for investigation, and the point of a Kingdom Event
> every three years or so is required for our budget was emphasized.
> Business meeting adjourned at 8:11, and socialization ensued.
> *Next FCS: July 13th - Friday*
> *Next Business Meeting July 27th - Friday*
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