[Wyewood] Applications for Chatelaine - please respond

Debra Greywolf lady.liadain at outlook.com
Wed Jan 31 18:20:42 PST 2018

Greetings Wyewood!

I am happy to announce that we have received three applications for the position of Chatelaine. I am including those letters below. Please respond to Their Excellencys (coronets at wyewood) and myself with any commentary.

-Liadain ni Sheanachain
Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood

Unto the baronage, seneschale and officers of Wyewood, does Master Tvorimir Danilov send greetings on this, the 22nd night of Januarius, a.s. LII, in my demesne of Greenhaven.
I have served the Society since much this same date, thirty years gone. While it is true that I stepped back, first to court and win a fair Welsh maid of Madrone and bring her back to my hall, and then to take on teaching in the city scholarium, these grand opportunities have now settled to a warm glow that permits me again to put my hand to service.
I believe in warm, sincere welcome, and matching newcomers' interests to those who can be interesting about them. I've been a teacher since 2008. I have the time and energy to do this job well, partly because much of it is instinctive to me.
I would be glad to serve in this way, if desired.
Vivir es servir,
Master Tvorimir Danilov, OP

I would like to put myself forward to fill the currently vacant position of Chatelaine of Wyewood.  While I have not previously filled a Chatelaine position, I feel I am qualified in that the main work of it is work I do already--welcoming newcomers and interested people, connecting them with information sources, introducing them to other people, and encouraging their participation.

My brief time as A&S deputy has demonstrated that I do send in reports and respond to queries in a timely manner, and that I can provide a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere (Fiber Night, for example).

My experience as a merchant puts me in a position of interacting with literally everyone, from folks who have never heard of the SCA all the way to Scadian living legends, from all sorts of backgrounds.  This gives me a constant exercise in finding what interests them, and matching that up with some sort of hook--a question for research, a craft they want to learn, whatever.  This is a very fulfilling interaction.  I have long been of the opinion that every one of us is a representative, an individual chatelaine, for the SCA in general, and our local groups in specific.

Lastly, as someone who has been in and out of the SCA for over 20 years now, I feel that I bring a certain perspective that understands being both new and experienced, and that this is very helpful in interacting with newer folks.

Yours in Service,
Tabytha Morgan


Greetings unto the populace of Wyewood. I am Mikial Aldrich, and I have put my name in for consideration for the office of Chatelaine.

Many of you have seem me around, but do not know me yet. I joined the SCA in AS25(1991) in the West Kingdom and have been finding my pace in the Dream ever since. I was given the honor of becoming a squire to Count Sir Eric Bearsbane a few years later. I am also a founding member of the Shire of Betony Wood. Also, a couple years back I was honored by Baron Moonshadow by becoming his Arcuarii. Over the last year, Wyewood has accepted me as a member and is now my SCA home.

In my time in the Society, I have participated in many demos, and even helped organize and was the liaison for the fighters at one. I have seen many people come and go and have helped a couple of people find a path in the Society. Being a heavy fighter, I think that if we can bring this forward here in Wyewood, we can bring more people into the Society and we can thrive.

As Chatelaine, I would strive to increase how visible we are. I feel that we are, to a point, very invisible in the community, and that will not help us grow. The online presence for the Society is not necessarily going to bring people in to us. Having a fighter practice and an FCS type gathering in a visible location is an idea that I would like to see happen. Also adding a mentoring program for the Barony so that when we do get newcomers, they will have a person who can either answer questions or get the answer for them.  Demos are another way for us to bring in more people. If we look at the local cities, there are many opportunities for us to be apart of. River days and Cornucopia days are just a couple of events that we can be at to bring in people.

Please consider me for the position of Chatelaine.

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