[Wyewood] Gate volunteers for Feast of St. Bubba

Tanayle Haga tanayle.haga at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 08:31:20 PST 2018

I can help out before rapier, or between rapier and court.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Tim geyer via Wyewood <
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

> Gate for Feast of St Bubba will be open starting at 10am.  It will run
> until feast starts.  There should be some slow periods in there where 1
> person at gate is sufficient, but at first and just before court to just
> before feast might see some busier gate activity.
> I am looking for volunteers to assist with gate.  I have the following so
> far (Please let me know if I missed you):
> Anna Ghelyns
> Geoffrey of the Reeds
> Robert Trinitie TCH
> Jorunn Aslaksdotter
> Esclarmonde de Porcairages (not available after 4pm, something about
> court…)
> Gabriell Lepinay (not available 12-3:30, something about rapier…)
> I’m still finishing the final schedule.  This might be enough volunteers,
> but having some more just in case would be good 😊
> Tymme “Prodkiller” Lytefelow, OGGS
> An Tir Archery Scores Deputy
> Head of Gate and Web Designer, Feast of St. Bubba
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