[Wyewood] Seeking volunteers

Tim geyer tim.geyer at geyercomputers.com
Sun Jan 7 19:57:32 PST 2018

Wyewood's Feast of St Bubba is fast approaching, and with it comes the need
for gate volunteers!


I know that gate will open at 10am, and have not heard yet when it shall


I'm putting the call out to start compiling a list of those who are willing
to sit gate for a shift or 2 during the event, with the plan of coordinating
which shift(s) once I have a definite time for gate to close.


Please look at the event schedule to make sure you don't volunteer for gate
during a time that you want to participate in something at the event.


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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