[Wyewood] FW: Feast of St. Bubba

Ruslund Geyer ruslund at geyercomputers.com
Wed Jan 3 13:09:45 PST 2018

Forwarded as our email list is not playing very nicely right now.

In service, 



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kris John <gwir.sca at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 10:18 AM
Subject: Feast of St. Bubba
To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org

Good Morning!


I would like to formally invite all of Wyewood to join us at the Feast of St. Bubba on February 17, 2018. Registration is now open for this day of fun and feasting. There will be several classes, dancing, a rapier tournament, a dessert auction, a largesse competition, a brewing contest and more!


To pre-register and for more information, please visit http://www.geyercomputers.com/stbubba/ and choose Pre-Reg from the top menu.


To follow the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/297745687412917/


We hope to see you there!


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