[Wyewood] Court report from the Feast of St. Bubba

Ruslund Geyer ruslund at geyercomputers.com
Fri Feb 23 14:32:58 PST 2018

Hail Wyewood! 
Here follows the court report from the Feast of St. Bubba, February 17th, AS
52 (2018)
Their Excellencies, Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra, welcomed everyone
to their court.   
Scrolls were presented for two awards given at a prior event.  
Newcomers were asked to come forward and given a token as a remembrance of
their first event by Their Excellencies. 
The Children were offered a chance to choose something from the toy chest.
The Event Steward addressed the populace 
The results from the contests were announced. 
Largesse derby headed by Meryld Godewyn of Kent. Winners: Eadaoin of Wyewood
took populace favorite; Yvette du Coeur took Their Excellencies' favorite

Brewing, headed by Rauthulfr inn Orthstori. Winner: Leuke verch Meyler 
Rapier Prize tourney, headed by Gabrielle Lepinay. Winner: Mieczyslaw
Candidates for Sergeantry were called forward to read their application
scrolls. They are:
Gabriellle Lepinay - Gallant 
Tabytha Morgan - Courtier 
Marguerite Fitz William - Second belt, Yeoman  
Gwir ferch John was presented with the Argent Increscent  
The populace was offered the opportunity to swear an Oath of Fealty.  
The names of the Wyewoodian recipients of Top Ten medallions in Archery &
Thrown Weapons for the 2016/2017 season were read and tokens handed out by
Tymme Lytefelow. He was then asked to remain in Their Excellencies' presence
and added to The Felowshipe of the Wynged Knife as the premier member.  
Sara de Bonneville was installed as Exchequer  
Marguerite Fitz William announced the rules for this year's A&S
Meryld of Kent was presented with La Compaignie de la Forche 
Pieces of the One True Wye were given to:
Gwir ferch John
Tabytha Morgan
Simon Fisc
Gisella Lisabetta Venier  
Mikial Aldrich
Arianwenn ferch Ana  
Marg Hedgecock  
Brynne Hardi  
Geoffrey of the Reeds was called forward and given La Compaignie de la
Tabytha Morgan was presented with the Argent Increscent. 
Avine de Hert was made a companion of the Order of the Wye Knot. 

Many thanks to Lady Natasha Orionova Zateeva, Lord Simon Fisc, Lord Xenos
Makellares, and Master Tvorimir Danilov for heralding. 

Prepared by Avine de Hert
Blak Shepe Pursuivant 

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