[Wyewood] Feast of St. Bubba Appreciation
'Kris John' via Wyewood list
wyewood at wyewood.org
Sun Feb 18 18:57:18 PST 2018
Good Evening All!
There are so many to thank for the success of yesterday’s event!
Before I go into names, I want to just thank Wyewood for being Wyewood. This first event for me could have been intimidating and difficult but I felt nothing but support and encouragement from the time I put in the bid. I am just learning the value of this community - this family - and the time with you at the Feast was a privilege.
First, thank you to those who made this event a priority and joined us for the day. Your energy was wonderful and is really the reason the day went so smoothly. And a special thank you to our Baron and Baroness, Evrard and Allessandra for their enthusiasm and support.
The day was made even more special by the presence of the Excellencies from our neighboring baronies, Madrone, Stromgard, and Glymm Mere. Thank you for making the extra effort to attend.
Thank you to all of those, too numerous to name, who helped with set-up and take-down and with little bits throughout the day. For set-up I want to call out Evrard, Robert, and Kojimo who showed up especially early. Also to Constantine and Donatello for staying until the end. And thank you Robert for helping transport things from storage.
Speaking of storage, a huge thank you to our Chamberlain, Rasmus, who helped access storage items over the last few weeks and who showed up before and after just to support us, even though he was not attending. Your gracious help and commitment is much appreciated.
Thank you to each of you who gave me a word of encouragement or a hug as the day went on. It means so much.
Thank you to Heinrich for so masterfully auctioning the desserts (and on short notice) and to all those who contributed desserts or bought them. And to Robert for your initial planning and support. By the way, we made over $300!
Thank you to our teachers, Rauthulfr, Runa, Althaia, and Adrianna for sharing their knowledge. And to Rauthulfr for organizing a brewing contest and to Merlyd for the largesse derby. Also to Marguerite for organizing the storytelling competition. I’d also like to thank all those who participated in these activities.
Baroness Gabrielle, thank you for organizing the rapier tourney and Irene for doing lists. A special thanks also goes to Wulfwyn for donating our prize.
To Sara de Bonneville and her musician (I’m terribly sorry I don’t have his name), thank you for teaching the art of dance and for the music during dancing and dinner. Thank you to those who also helped provide dance music and music throughout the event.
For support in planning the event, thank you to Liadain, our Seneschal. Your advice at staying on track and your responsive nature to my questions is appreciated.
For a mouth-watering lunch of soup and bread, thank you Sofia.
For managing the website and running gate, thank you to Tymme. I really appreciate you for making all my changes and updates and for managing the registration process and gate.
To my amazing mentor, Avine, thank you for your guidance and patience and answering my procedural questions and answering my questions about culture and for just helping me when I felt unsure or overwhelmed.
I feel blessed that Avine introduced me to our cook, Arianwenn, when we were working on the bid. What an amazing meal. She and Mikial put in so many hours of work and it paid off. I am so grateful for their excitement and planning. And to pass on some thanks from Arianwenn,
“My husband Greg (Mikial) who was my right hand, strong back, coach and cheerleader through the whole process; Robert and Sofia, both of whom spent hours helping out at my house and during the feast itself; Symmone who was a joy to work with in the kitchen (also Jasmine), Constantia who helped me keep moving and solving problems as they cropped up all day, my own daughter Rhiannan who graciously lent several hours of pure hard work and good attitude; Alamanda and Margaret for pitching in to do endless dishes. There were several others.”
In asking around, I know some other names that we need to mention from the kitchen are Simon and Gisela who pitched in tirelessly at the end to get the kitchen cleaned up. Also for our young people that helped, Hauk, Lorelai, and Caden. I’m sure there are so many more.
Phew! It really does take a village (or a barony in this case). Thank you all for showing me what the SCA is all about and for making this an event I will remember always.
(Please forgive any misspellings and I hope I got everyone.)
Your event steward,
Gwir ferch John
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