[Wyewood] Minutes from the February business meeting

Debra Greywolf lady.liadain at outlook.com
Sat Feb 3 17:13:41 PST 2018


7:20 – 8:00                                                                          Officer Reports:                                24 adults in attendance



·         We have three applications for Chatelaine – see below!



·         Sara Bonneville is taking over the role of Exchequer (Treasurer) and is to be added as a signer on the bank account. Linda Hosea is to be removed.



·         We have submissions in commentary, being decided, and proofreading phases of the approval process. Stay tuned.

·         Is there someone newer to our group that you believe deserves a Piece of the One True Wye?  Aren’t sure if someone already has one but you think they should?  Email myself (herald at wyewood.org<mailto:herald at wyewood.org>) or Their Excellencies (coronets at wyewood.org<mailto:coronets at wyewood.org>).

·         Their Excellencies are always looking for award reconditions.  Send the gentle’s name and a description of their notable actions.  Don’t know what award to recommend them for?  Don’t worry, Their Excellencies will be able to find the right fit.  Maybe the right fit will be the start of a new award to the collection.

Arts and Sciences


·         Get togethers are happening. Next month we will have a class about favors used in the SCA by Countess Aryana Silknfyre.

·         There will be classes at the Feast of ST. Bubba on February 17th.


·         Applications have been received by Master Mir, Tabby, and Mikial.  They each addressed those in attendance. Their letters of intent will be sent to the populace for comment so that a decision can be made prior to next month's business meeting.


Emma Barrington

·         Is out of state on a family vacation. The quarterly report and first newsletter have been done. If you have any ideas or content, please send it chronicler at wyewood.org

Archery and
Thrown Weapons


·         Archery and Thrown Weapons continue to happen.  I’ll be needing to buy rope and tarps soon.  I may also need to purchase some more Bulldog target covers.



·         Rapier took a break for the holidays in December and came back strong in January, averaging 2-4 fighters every Sunday with no injuries no broken equipment.

·         We started a practice curriculum to do more than just sparing and reporting it in the group.  This way everyone that shows ups knows what progress they have made, or be able to look back and see which drills they liked.


Alessandra / Evrard

·         Twelfth Night was a fun event.

·         Please come see us this weekend at Ursulmas.

Events and Other Business

2/17 St Bubba’s


·         Registration is full and a waiting list has started. Send in your payment by February 5th to make sure keep your reserved spot.

10/06 Tabby
Arts Unframed

·         Things are going as planned. Please note that while we are on the school's calendar, it is not official the quarter before the event date.

·         Martyn is putting together a bid for Champions for August 11, 2018. Please speak to Martyn with your input and offers of service.

·         If you are interested in being an Event Steward, please talk to one of the Officers.



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