[Wyewood] SCA 2019 Peerage Committee Survey

alessandra.dm at colecat.net alessandra.dm at colecat.net
Fri Dec 28 11:16:08 PST 2018

Greetings Wyewood and friends.  Today the SCA BoD Peerage Committee has 
launched an online survey today that I wish to share to those who are 
not on Facebook.

In Service - Baroness Alessandra

On behalf of the SCA Board of Directors, the Peerage Committee would 
like to solicit the opinions of all members of the Society in the 
following survey to gauge post-implementation views within the Society 
of the addition of the Order of Defense, as well as to understand the 
appetite for a future martial peerage or peerages for activities such as 
archery, thrown weapons, equestrian, and siege engines.

The last survey of this type, the SCA Census, was conducted over 10 
years ago.  Much has changed within the Society in the years since that 
survey, and the Board cannot assume the data from the Census still 
reflects the opinions of members, particularly following the 
implementation of the Order of Defense.

The purpose of this survey is to understand if and how opinions have 
changed since the Order of Defense was introduced as a Peerage order, as 
well as to understand the lessons learned during that implementation.  
The Board also recognizes that there has been much discussion by the 
membership since the implementation of the Order of Defense regarding 
extending recognition to other activities currently not covered by a 
martial skill-based peerage, including (but not limited to) archery, 
thrown weapons, equestrian activities, and siege engines.  This survey 
is a prelude to any future discussion by the Board regarding additional 
peerage Order(s).

By completing this survey, you will help the Board to collect fresh data 
regarding attitudes towards existing and potential Peerage orders, and 
to progress the discussion of these topics.  Thank you for your 
assistance in this matter. Deadline for completion of this survey is 
January 28th, 2019. The Survey is now live at :


If you wish to re-take the survey to change your responses should your 
opinions change you may retake the survey but be aware that taking the 
survey again will negate your previous survey in its entirety. Please 
fill the survey out again fully.

-In Service

The Peerage Committee.

If you send comments, please use the subject line “2019 Peerage 
Committee Survey“.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036
You may also email   comments at lists.sca.org.

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