[Wyewood] Application for Seneschal

Debra Greywolf lady.liadain at outlook.com
Sun Dec 16 08:51:48 PST 2018


Below is an application for Baronial Seneschal. Commentary may be sent to Their Excellencies (wyewood.coronet at antir.org<mailto:wyewood.coronet at antir.org>) or Seneschal (wyewood.seneschal at antir.org<mailto:wyewood.seneschal at antir.org>). Their Excellencies will be meeting with the Officers on December 28th to make a decision.

-Liadain ni Sheanachain
Seneschal, Barony of Wyewood

I am applying for the open seneschal position.  Here is my current SCA resume with a little about what is going on currently.  I really enjoy Wyewood and really hope I can help grow the barony and coach new leaders. This is home for me and many people in the barony and I really enjoy serving it anyway possible.

Martyn Baxter

Warder Martyn Baxter

Brandon Scheltema

(586) 604-5039

bscheltema at yahoo.com<mailto:bscheltema at yahoo.com>

·       Started in the SCA in 92’ in the Kingdom of Calontir

·       Started Rapier in 94’ in Kingdom of Drachenwald

·       First authorized in rapier in 01’ in the Kingdom of the Middle

·       Authorized as a Rapier marshal in 03’ in the Kingdom of the Middle

o      Transferred my cards in 15’ to An tir

·       Authorized in Heavy Fighting in 06’

·       Order of the Bronze ring 07’

·       Gallant of Wyewood 17’

Offices Held

·       Pentamere (Michigan)  Regional war Commander                                           2005-2006

    Put in charge of commanding a unit of 30 or more during Pennsic.  Understood advanced command calls and tactics.

·      Baronial Rapier Marshal for the Barony of Andelcrag                                     2012-2013

·      Pentamere Regional Rapier Marshal                                                                  2013-2015

·      Middle Kingdom Rapier team leader for Pennsic Champions Team             2008-2009

In charge of training and choosing the best fighters for the Annual Pennsic Rapier champion tournament.

·      Baronial Rapier Marshal for Baryon of Wyewood                                            2015-2017

·      Kingdom youth rapier deputy for An tir                                                             2018-

I am a second generation participant of the SCA.  Throughout my time in the SCA I have taught and volunteered for many different SCA events including Feast of St bubba in An tir, Middle kingdom Academy of defense and Pentamere Academy of defense.  I ran a successful Baronial evet for Wyewood, and coached another for a decent success.  For my real life jobs I have been a manager for 4-12 people in fast pace environment, and I work logistics currently where keeping up on paperwork and doing follow ups is vital to keep customers happy.  I have excellent leaderships skill, and I know how to delegate to get the job done properly and quickly over just doing it all myself. I am currently creating the first ever rules for Youth rapier under the age of 14, but those are almost done to be passed off and signed for.  I travel a lot and make sure Wyewood is heard when ever someone gets an award when I am there.

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