[Wyewood] Champions Basket Auction Thank Yous

kris.joyhope at yahoo.com kris.joyhope at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 12 07:07:47 PDT 2018


I wanted to take a few moments to thank all those that contributed baskets to the auction yesterday. And to all those who bid on said baskets.

I'm so pleased with our total results of **$325**. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of all the baskets as they were being delivered so I can't think everyone individually, but I'd like to offer special thanks to two people who really stepped up.

First, Peregrina contributed the bulk of the baskets and was essential in helping me wrap up the distribution and payment collection.

Second, I'd like to thank Tamlyn for her contribution of the beautiful table that upped our total considerably.

Thank you to all those who donated, each basket made a difference and was a show of your commitment to the Barony.

In service, 

Gwir ferch John

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