[Wyewood] December Fiber Night

Tanayle Haga tanayle.haga at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 12:47:50 PST 2017


Our next Fiber Night is just a week away! As always, it's 7-9ish pm at the
Starbucks across the street from IKEA. I will have a few different projects
with me, and as always, I am happy to help in any way
needed--sewing,knitting, nalbinding, whatever.

I will have the largesse felt needlebooks with me, in case anyone who
wasn't at the FCS wants to go over those.  If anyone has any ideas for
largesse projects, or anyone wants to get on making largesse, this is a
good time and place to talk about it, especially if FCS doesn't work well
with your schedule.

And as always, no experience is really necessary, because whatever you want
to learn fiberwise, one of us will be happy and able to teach you.


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