[Wyewood] Archery practice May 31 recap

Tim geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed May 31 22:20:03 PDT 2017

We had 10 people come out to shoot and have fun.  We started with the SSAC
since it was the last day for the current shoot (golf).


We then proceeded to shoot at the 5 color targets until the end of archery,
when most of us reconvened at Round Table and talked and visited with each
other more before heading our separate ways.  Today saw Lovell return to the
range, and, after breaking part of my crossbow, saw me shooting one of those
horizontal.hand bow things.  Scores submitted were:



Tymme - 48, Johann - 61



Dearbhail - 70



Dearbhail - Open Handbow - 53


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy

Chief Archer, Barony of Wyewood

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