[Wyewood] Crown Tourney May 19-21 - Hanky & Hospitality

Althaia via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat May 6 18:34:30 PDT 2017

Site opens to merchants at noon on Friday and to the populace at 2pm.  

A preliminary copy of the full event schedule should be posted to the May Crown website on Monday or Tuesday of this coming week.  http://baronyofmadrone.net/may-crown-2017/ 

Maestra Althaia filia Lazari  
Scheduling Coordinator for May Crown 2017

-----Original Message-----
From: Wyewood [mailto:wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org] On Behalf Of Deborah Tatarek via Wyewood
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 9:07 PM
To: Alamanda de Claret; wyewood at lists.wyewood.org; wyewood at wyewood.org
Subject: Re: [Wyewood] Crown Tourney May 19-21 - Hanky & Hospitality

I will have the pickles and I have a jar of black olives, some triscuits and pretzels, Already will be bring the. Can someone bring the 6 ft folding table and water jug?Oh dear chamberlin we will need that from storage also.
Thank youArabella

      From: Alamanda de Claret via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
 To: "wyewood at lists.wyewood.org" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>; "wyewood at wyewood.org" <wyewood at wyewood.org> 
 Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 2:50 PM
 Subject: [Wyewood] Crown Tourney May 19-21 - Hanky & Hospitality
Good afternoon and Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Crown Tournament is quickly closing in and I am in need of the help and assistance of the best people in An Tir, you guys :)

First - I will be picking up and taking the Wyewood Hanky out to site on Friday and will need experienced help setting up at the Eric.  I plan to be there early in the afternoon as site opens at noon.  Let me know will be going and when you may be on site and can help out.

Second - I am coordinating the Hospitality table at the Hanky and need donations of yummy snacky bits that are not prone to spoiling too quickly.  Things like pretzels, fruit, hard cheeses, cookies, seasoned meats (like sausage), crackers, pickles, olives.  Donations can be made even if you are not going!  I will be at the FCS on Friday May 12th and can pick up from you.  Please respond to the list what you are able to donate so not everyone brings me pretzels.  I would also like to have a donation of small bottled waters, easy to grab and go for those in need of hydrating.

And since I will be at the FCS anyway, if you have any largess that can be dropped off I will gladly compile it and give it to the Largesse Coordinator or Her Excellency Alessandra.

Thank you everyone, see you soon!

Lady Alamanda de Claret

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