[Wyewood] Archery Report for 5/3/17

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed May 3 21:56:14 PDT 2017

Greetings all!

The Wednesday Archery practice is back and the weather celebrated with us!
Blue skies with a warm sun shining down on us welcoming we happy few back
to the range.
For an archer who couldn't wait to get back onto the line, it was heaven.

And we have a new archer!  Deidre apparently knows Adrianna the Fierce who
help set her up with a quiver and arrows and she had a kids bow (with a #25
recurve on order.)  Like another archer, she works retail and so weekend
practices are troublesome but she made it to our first weekday one she
could.  She tried a #30 Ben Pearson Colt and her eyes filled with delight
shooting a bow with fluid speed and power and shot her first Royal Round!

We also had a surprise visit by Lindy of Clan Carn.  She is a rapier
fighter at heart but brought her archery gear as well before heading off to
another practice.  Good to see you!

And stalwart Johann Fairhand, a true regular and archery fanatic, was there
to help weed whack, set up, shoot, run the range and take it down at the
end.  Always a welcome sight!

Speaking of weed whacking, the grass has loved all the water it's received
over the winter and is already out of control.  Our Chief Archer Tymme is
calling for a mowing day Sunday.  I hope anyone who can make it comes out
to knock the grass into submission!

To the Scores!

Evrard:de Valogne: 86
Farrin O'Daly (Diedre): 12 (First Royal Round ever!)
Johann Fairhand: 54

Baron of Wyewood


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