[Wyewood] Hospitality Table and Water Bearing Champions

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jul 29 10:15:32 PDT 2017

Thank you my lady


The SCA floats on a sea of jellied traditions.
Surrounded by shoals of well ground axes,
and a herd of dead horses.

-- Robert Trinitie The Chickenhearted. -- AS: teens

ADDENDUM: ... and scented with the aroma of Biffy Mints.

-- wishes to remain unknown. -- Approx: AS: 42

From: Wyewood <wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org> on behalf of 'Deborah Tatarek' via Wyewood list via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 8:11 PM
To: Wyewood List
Subject: Re: [Wyewood] Hospitality Table and Water Bearing Champions

Greeting Champions is fast approaching and we will have a hospitality table there plus a water bearing station.
I will provide donuts, muffins, sweet bread for the morning and pickles, savory bread snack, oranges  for the Water Bearing Table
We will provide water in the 5 gallon containers plus flats of bottled water and some Gatorade.  Can someone bring Lemonade?
Please bring something to share for the hospitality table, like watermelon, nuts, meats, cheeses, other savories and sweets.
Archery and Thrown Weapons what do you need for Water Bearing?  I can also provide pickles, oranges for you.  Just let me know.
I look forward to seeing everyone.  Please come early and help set up.
Thank youLady Arabella de Fontaine
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