[Wyewood] A&S report, check out class list at the bottom and join us
Kelli via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jul 28 09:45:23 PDT 2017
3Q July 2017 A & S report
Your name: Lady Constantia in der
phone 425-269-6559
constantia2008 at comcast.net
membership/expiration date:
branch: Barony of
Please include:
** Regular A&S meetings for the Barony, reporting, ppl attending:
FCS (Full Contact Social) every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
Music practice - is not currently happening
Fiber Night - meetings held first Thursday of the month, Dame Esclarmonde,
avg 4ppl
Culinary -stand by for update!!!! Looking at Holding it at Project Days
(Saturday)? 3rd?????
Scribal - various days throughout the month, Lady Alamanda, avg 4ppl
Sergentry - need info
Meetings this Month (April 2016)
Special Topics:
Full Contact Social (FCS) 2nd Fri
Finger loop Braiding- (10ppl) Heinrich Wilhelm
Full Contact Social (FCS) 4th Fri
Business Meeting-A&S report
Culinary -
Looking to start back up****
Fiber Night - July 6
Music Practice
Suspended till further notice **happening at Wyewood in Park thanx to
Happening just not sure when.
Project Days-
Project Day at the Greywolf Den
7/16 - 11am-whenever
Wyewood in Park
June 27-seige & Crossbows
July 18- games
Classes: (what class was held: who taught it: how many folks attended:)
FCS- - Finger Loop Braiding- (10ppl) Heinrich Wilhelm # 10ppl attended.
Culinary - will start back up soon- TBD
Fiber Night -July 6- #____ ppl attended.
Scribal - July ____ - # ___ppl attended.
Music- happening at Wyewood in the Park - #
Wyewood in Park - June 27-seige & Crossbows#
25 ppl attended
July 18- games#15 ppl attended
August 15th-
Join us!!!- Forms of Address in the SCA Van Doren's Landing in Kent.
6pm - 9pm
Future planned classes: On back- list of classes and Dates
Competitions: (What type of competition, when was it held: How many
entrants: who won)
Upcoming events: Wyewood Champions (Aug 5th) Iron Needle, Swap Meet & Arts
Unframed (Sept. 30th)
Barony of Wyewood
Arts & Science Class Schedule 2017
August 11(FCS- 2nd Friday) Service- What does it Mean?
By Lady Constantia in der Lachun
September 8(FCS- 2nd Friday) - Largesse, What is it and How to Make it?
By Guest Speaker
October 13(FCS- 2nd Friday) Learning How to Play the Recorder
By Musician Xander
November 10(FCS- 2nd Friday)- What is an O.P.?
By Lady Constantia in der Lachun
December 8(FCS- 2nd Friday)- What Awards are there? Kingdom, Barony, Etc.
By Guest Speaker
A&S officer email: constantia2008 at comcast.net
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