[Wyewood] Archery practice July 22 recap

Tim geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jul 22 17:52:23 PDT 2017

We had 22 people come out for what was supposed to be an overcast day, but
instead proved to be very sunny and warm the entire time.  We had a couple
visitors from Dragon's Laire in attendance.

Scores submitted were:



Brian of Cardiff - 65, Alaricus - 95, Tomas - 63, Geoffrey - 41, Johann - 62



Mickel - 64, Tymme - 95


Period Recurve"

Mikial - 24



Tymme - 251


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy

Chief Archer, Barony of Wyewood

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