[Wyewood] Fw: Madrone: Memorial for Gordon Redthorn

'Deborah Tatarek' via Wyewood list via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jul 21 21:02:17 PDT 2017

     In case anyone has not seen  this. 
----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: Maddy DuMont via Madrone <madrone at antir.sca.org>
 To: Madrone <madrone at antir.sca.org>; Culinary guild <mad-cul-gld at antir.sca.org> 
 Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 8:31 PM
 Subject: Madrone: Memorial for Gordon Redthorn
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"This is an informal event. If you cannot be there right at 6pm, it’s still fine to come later. There will be some food and refreshments, a memorial display, photographs, and Gordon’s block printing set up for use. Tables will be set up near the entry to the Botanical Gardens and visible from the parking lot. If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Sokol at (206) 406-3221."  
| pin | Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden13735 24th Ave S, SeaTac, Washington 98168 |

    In grateful service,Spike Zoetaert, Baroness of Madrona_______________________________________________
Madrone mailing list
Madrone at antir.sca.org

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