[Wyewood] Wyewood in the Park - July 18th

Jennifer Usher via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Jul 12 22:48:15 PDT 2017

Greetings to the Populace,

Wyewood in the Park returns this Tuesday - July 18th
at Van Doren's Landing in Kent.

The highlight activity is "Medieval Games!"
We would like to get a game of Kubb going....
If you have any other games to bring - please do so.
Stool Ball, Shut the Box, etc.,. The more games the merrier!

Like always, if you are not into the games but want to work on a
project/activity/event planning or just to come hang out - please do so.

Garb encouraged but not required!

Thank you to those who showed up last time for Chocolate, Siege Rocks and
Crossbows.  It was so much fun! Thank you Lord Rasmus, Lord Heinrich and mi
lord Xander for being our live fighters and allowing the populace to try
something new! We had 25 people in attendance! Woohoo! Thanks for a great
Wyewood in the Park.

In Service,
Lady Emma

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