[Wyewood] Wyewood Rocked 12th Night!!!

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jan 19 13:42:57 PST 2017

Greetings glorious barony!

Now that the dust has settled and we can think clearly once again we would
like to express how amazing last weekend was.  From setup to clearing out
the last items of 12th Night everything seemed to run so smoothly it looked

But we know better than that don't we?  A huge amount of effort was put
into the event bid, team organization and execution by our Lady Liadain,
our esteemed event steward.  She epitomized such professionalism that even
the hotel staff was inspired by her and her notebook!  Thank you good Lady
for making the barony look so good.  TRM's were quite impressed and enjoyed
everything calling it a "super job."

There are so many to thank who supported a grand event like this.
Xenos, for your wrangling the merchants, and notably getting them packed
out before deadline, most impressive!

Constantine, for travelling out the icy wastes of Three Mountains with your
family to come and take charge of gate, well done.  Every time the baron
thought he would come and help it was "Thanks Excellency, we got this

To the captains and all those who took a shift at gate, your genuine smiles
made so many feel welcome to be in Wyewood.  Your knowledge of the site and
the event helped ease many concerns.  You did us all proud, thank you.

Sofia, thank you for making sure the numbers at gate added up and were
correct.  It's such a comfort to know someone so thorough is checking!

Alamanda, thank you for single handedly making the site tokens!

To those who helped get all the "stuff" to site and set it up and taken
back down, thank you so much.  I know Master Robert was ever present during
the entire event and was always helping where needed.
Don Donatello, though you might think you did little more than drive to and
from site and our storage locker, it was so needed!

There are other activities other than the courts of Their Majesties and
meetings and a couple were the Arts and Sciences/Scribal display and the
12th Knight auction.  Brandy coordinated all the scrolls and they made an
amazing sight.  Dearbhail was incredible again and the auction had so many
great items, several donated by Wyewoodians of course!  Last number heard
was over $5,000 raised for the charity RAINN.  Her Majesty Shaya was

Arabella, Rachel and all those who helped in the hospitality room, thank
you.  Wyewood is known for this because of your generous spirits.

We would also like to say thank you to our retinue.  Both of us had colds
and they kept us sane by keeping us full of fluids and making sure we
rested.  Lianor, thank you for stepping in to relieve Liadain for the
weekend.  Ha'Nako, Eaodin, Geoffrey, thank you for your welcome company.

So proud of and grateful for all of you in this amazing barony,

Evrard and Alessandra
Baron and Baroness of Wyewood

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