[Wyewood] May Crown 2017 information and reservations
via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Feb 24 10:46:11 PST 2017
Ok, Wye Peeps! Who wants to camp at Crown? And please, PLEASE only send me your request if you are sure you will be going. Not maybe. It makes all of us look very bad when I reserve space for us and no one shows up! If this continues to happen I may stop taking reservations for you! (I know things come up, and I'm not speaking to anyone who has had to change plans for an event at the last minute. I'm speaking to those who always reserve large camping spaces and then don't show up!)
unofficial camping wrangler
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeri Sisco via Wyewood" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
To: "Wyewood" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 10:35:12 AM
Subject: [Wyewood] May Crown 2017 information and reservations
May Crown is fast approaching. We are holding it in the Shire of Ambergard this year - the Grant County Fairgrounds in Moses Lake, WA. In addition to the fabulous fighting (do you have your name and device submitted?), we will have several A&S activities and a grand ball on the erics Saturday night.
Please make sure you send us camping reservations for your group. Space is very tight this year, and will be on a first-come, first-served reservation basis, so please plan to be cozy with your campmates and economize.
- Send reservations for camping and eric space to Lady Sarah Pixie at yac at baronyofmadrone.net <mailto:yac at baronyofmadrone.net> (Deadline May 1)
- Send RV reservations to Master Ralg at rvreservations at baronyofmadrone.net <mailto:rvreservations at baronyofmadrone.net>.
- Send event schedule information and requests to Mistress Althaia at crown_schedule at baronyofmadrone.net <mailto:crown_schedule at baronyofmadrone.net> (Deadline April 21)
- Send merchant requests to Lady Juana at crown_merchants at baronyofmadrone.net <mailto:crown_merchants at baronyofmadrone.net> (Deadline March 19)
For any other questions, please contact your friendly event stewards, Baron Steven Desjardin and Lady Gera Gangolffin, at may_crown at baronyofmadrone.net <mailto:may_crown at baronyofmadrone.net> (or message me on Facebook.) Our event website is http://baronyofmadrone.net/may-crown-2017/ <http://baronyofmadrone.net/may-crown-2017/>; we’ll have more information there as details are finalized.
In service to the dream,
Gera Gangolffin
mka Jeri Sisco
Seneschale and Courtier of Madrone
Co-steward, May Crown 2017
Apprentice/protege to Countess Aryana Silknfyre
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