[Wyewood] Business meeting report

Barbara Snail_Or at msn.com
Fri Dec 8 18:30:07 PST 2017


I was going to make a short announcement at the business meeting tonight but I am just to pooped to go back out.  So here it is:

I have a small amendment to the Arts Unframed Report.  When I made the initial report, I did not have exact numbers for the cost of lunch because Sofia was out of the country.  At this time I have exact numbers.  Lunch cost 90.74, not 50.  So the total gain for the event as a whole is $411.76, which is $40.74 less than originally estimated.   On the whole the event still made a decent profit.

Their Excellencies, the Exchequer, and the Seneschal have been sent a full amended event report.

In Service,


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