[Wyewood] Site prep for Champions, Archery Range Closed Wednesday

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Aug 1 22:42:11 PDT 2017

Site Maintenance update:
Best day for availability seems to be Friday (Thanks John 'de Percy' Holdren
<https://www.facebook.com/john.d.holdren?fref=mentions>!) so let's get as
much done as we can then. I'll be there after work to finish up any raking
etc around 6ish on Friday evening.  Emphasis will be on the east end of the
site where court and the fighting competitions will take place.
Going to be a busy weekend to say the least but will be worth it when
Wyewood has new champions to help protect our lands!

Until then, archery practice is cancelled tomorrow, stay home, stay cool,
get your gear ready for competitions this Saturday!


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