[Wyewood] Reminder - Gate Class this evening after Baronial Business Meeting

via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Oct 28 15:49:22 PDT 2016

Greetings! You know that I will plan to be of service in whatever way you need me, though I haven't asked for a gate shift. I am also running the dirty dozen event, but can run back and forth!

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-----Original Message-----

From: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
To: wyewood at wyewood.org
Sent: 2016-10-28 1:47:22 PM 
Subject: [Wyewood] Reminder - Gate Class this evening after Baronial	Business Meeting

 Good Afternoon, Wyewood:
A gentle reminder that this evening Lady Constantia will be hosting a class at FCS following the monthly business meeting.  The topic of the class is about how to run gate for an event (e.g. Twelfth Night), serving both as a way to understand all the elements of running gate if you have never done so before, or to bring veteran gate people up to date on the latest gate policies.

What: Gate Class - Learn how to be efficient and maintain a proper gate sheet
Where: United Christian Church, 15509 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA
When: Friday, October 28th following the Baronial Business Meeting (which starts ~ 7PM)

Wyewood once had wise Royal Patrons that instilled in us 'Volunteering Is Good'.  Why is this important?  Your event steward, Lady Liadain, brings our branch a vital opportunity to earn coin that assists paying for the aspects of the game we hold dear.  Wyewoodians should consider Twelfth Night a working event, meaning that by giving of your valuable time, we not only contribute to the success of hosting a Kingdom event, but help pay for things such as our FCS site and storage locker.  You can work the entire weekend?  Great!  You can only come to site to work a single two-hour shift?  Equally important!  Won't you volunteer for Wyewood?
Thank you to all the gentles thus far that have offered to take one or more shifts at gate.  We are off to an excellent start, but we need more gentles.  If you are still undecided, perhaps take a first step to attend gate class tonight to get yourself trained for Twelfth Night or some future event?
In  Service to the Dream,
Constantine TrewpenyPreviously signed as Gate Captain, but reminded that I am actually the Gate Steward :)
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