[Wyewood] Remembering Lady Lady Sibylla Penrose of Netherhay

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Oct 25 12:48:42 PDT 2016

Oh heck yes!

robert trinitie

From: Wyewood <wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org> on behalf of Deborah Tatarek via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 12:15 PM
To: M Wolfe; wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Subject: Re: [Wyewood] Remembering Lady Lady Sibylla Penrose of Netherhay

Yes, definitely she belongs on the Armorial

      From: M Wolfe via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
 To: "wyewood at lists.wyewood.org" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
 Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 12:09 PM
 Subject: [Wyewood] Remembering Lady Lady Sibylla Penrose of Netherhay

Greetings from Master Rauthulfr

I was thinking back on the early days of Wyewood this morning, remembering some of the early folk, and I remembered that our arms tapestry is lacking. There is a device I, and certainly Master Gordon Redthorn, strongly believe belongs on our arms tapestry.

It is the arms, Vert, an octofoil argent, of Lady Sibylla Penrose of Netherhay. Lady Sibylla was one of the gentles who gathered in the southern lands of Madrone to begin the process of establishing the Canton of Wyewood. To our great loss Lady Sibylla passed before we grew and prospered into the great land we are today.

Lady Sibylla began the tradition of hospitality in Wyewood, always setting out a table of finger food whenever we gathered. We can be justifiably proud of the road she helped set us upon.
What does the populace think?


What think ye. Wyewood?

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