[Wyewood] The Wyeknot award

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Nov 11 08:30:47 PST 2016


Feel free to forward to the Madrone list if you could.

As one of the volunteered wranglers for the order of the

Wyeknot, I have the following announcement.

The Wyeknot is the highest award Wyewood can issue.
It dates back to our Canton Days.  It is given for either

martial, A&S or service.  It is the equivalent of the Madrone
Red Branch or the BaO L'Ordre du Gaunt d'Or

It is for a person who has contributed so much to our game

in the barony that we simply would not be the same

place without them. There is an additional description

on our baronial page and on the AnTir OP list.
(last time I looked anyway.....)

Traditionally, this award has been issued during our winter
feast. this year that being the Feast of St. Bubba.  Time is

getting short if we want to be kind to our scribes.

The order is looking for recommendations from the populace.
No recommendations, no awards.  That's the way it works folks.
Send your recommendations to their excellencies at


They will forward any recommendations to the member of

the order.

Thank you!
Occasionally in service

robert trinitie the chickenhearted

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