[Wyewood] Bonus Practice Report for 5-30-16

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon May 30 21:35:54 PDT 2016

Greetings Archers of Wyewood and Beyond!

Our bonus practice was in a word, OUTSTANDING!

Twenty four archers, from as far south and north as Glymm Mere and
Aquaterra with Madrone, Blatha an Oir and Port del Eau in between, came to
enjoy a sunny and slightly breezy day.  A full sheet of scores were
submitted at the end of the day and it was a delight to report them to our

Two things stood out to me today; service and expectations.

First, when it was time to break down the range so our hosts can get ready
for yearly event Eggfest, it was all down and away in less than 20
minutes.  Many hands moved the bales and strong arms and backs wrestled the
stakes from the ground.  I knew what could have been a dreaded task was in
good hands for I know my Wyewood archers!

Second, it was so fun to see various expectations at play.  My personal
goals are lofty but likely attainable while others are modest but bring
them so much pleasure in their achievement.  Our Baroness Gabrielle helped
me with this as she was so pleased with her progress and knew her archos
would be too.

Lastly we have a new Bubba can!  Leonete le Clair (Kat) lent her artistic
skills to making a new one and it looks amazing.  You will just have to see
the battle cry Bubba is giving on the side!  That alone makes it worthwhile
to throw a buck or two inside.

To the Scores!


Haak: 14


Hobbes: 15


Johann Fairhand: 62

Gabrielle Lepinay: 13 (And she now has an average!)

Tomas macDonnchaidh: 73

Brynjolf: 30

Leonete le Clair: 43

Giulia Stanizi: 66

Evrard de Valogne: 93

Crystal: 41

Karl: 47

Period Open:

Gervais Blakglove: 68

Period Crossbow:

Avine de Herte: 58

In Service,

Evrard de Valogne

Chief Archer of Wyewood

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