[Wyewood] Archery Practice Report for 5/26/16

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu May 26 22:28:45 PDT 2016

Greetings archers of Wyewood!

True to Seattle weather it was cloudy all day and threatened to rain, all
day, but ten intrepid archers, weary from the work week but determined to
enjoy companionship and the great outdoors on the range, made a great
showing of improving skills.  The usual suspects were joined by Johann,
Dragomira and Marian and many recorded Royal Rounds.  Welcome back and
hope to see more of you out there!

Side note: I walked into the shop at Grayson Woods and met our new contact
Marty.  He would like all the targets moved for Eggfest by the end of this
weekend so after the Memorial Day practice we will tear down the range.  It
takes 15 minutes so no biggie!

Also, I cleared the date for Wyewood Champions and let him know about the
biffie being chained to the parking yard, he is fine with that as well.
Yay! (muppet flail)

To the Scores!


Johann Fairhand: 60

Geoffrey of the Reeds: 81

Evrard de Valogne: 96

Gervais Blakglove: 85

Dragomira Sokolov: 78 (First score this season, nice!)


Dearbhail: 71

Evrard: 66


Avine de Herte: 71

Period Crossbow:

Avine de Herte: 56

In Service,

Evrard de Valogne

Chief Archer of Wyewood

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