[Wyewood] May Crown Heraldic Consultation Table

Zahra bint al-Rammah via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon May 2 11:13:31 PDT 2016

Greetings to the Populace of An Tir!

May Crown, held this 51st year in the lands of Vulcanfeldt, approaches, and
the Heralds would like you to know that there will be a consulting table
available. We welcome you to join us with your ideas for a name and device.
Bring us your questions about heraldry. Simply stop by to chat. We look
forward to seeing you.
Submissions will be accepted at the table. Submissions are $10 per item
(name = one item, device = one item) and we can ac...cept check or money
order ONLY.

The table hours will be forth coming.

In Joyful Service,
Zahra bint al-Rammah
Æstel Herald

In Service,
Sayyida Zahra bint al-Rammah
Æstel Herald
Bealidh Pursuivant

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