[Wyewood] June 25 archery practice

Tim geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jun 25 16:53:31 PDT 2016

We had good attendance for a warm day of practice (17), including a new
archer, and 3 IKACs were shot (1 of them was good).  On to the scores:



Tymme - 38, Geoffrey - 81, Rignach - 43, Irene - 48, Reinhardt - 37 (first
Royal round!), Johann - 49



Annora - 51 (Season high!)



Tymme - 91, Avine - 72


Period Recurve:

Gervais - 70 (season high!)


Period Crossbow:

Avine - 82 (career high!)



Open: Tymme - 79, Geoffrey - 174 (first ever IKAC!)


Crossbow:  Tymme - 244


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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