[Wyewood] Archery Report for 6/16/16

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jun 16 22:52:59 PDT 2016

Evening Wyewood!

It was one of those perfect afternoons for archery (or just being outdoors)
with plenty of sun, a light breeze and the smell of sunscreen in the air.
Ahh Summer has arrived!
Nine archers, all Wyewood home grown, took to the line.  This week must
have been a long one for many as nearly all of us had the look of "I cannot
wait until the weekend gets here" but bravely faced the butts to improve
their skill.

A recent addition to the Royal Rounds and IKACs have been the Society
Seasonal Archery Competition (SSAC).  Each quarter a new one is voted one
and then shot.  It provides a wide variety of challenges and can be
inspired from shoots in period.

This quarter is the Tibetian Shoot.  The target is shaped like a triangle
with ten scoring levels, 1 at the bottom and 10 at the tip.  This is shot
at 40 yards and we finished the practice with a few rounds of this and we
all enjoyed the challenge.

Also a recent challenge was sent out by the Royal Archer Loric to shoot
more IKACs and Tymme responded to it and shot a career best.  Well done

To the Scores!

Royal Round:


Geoffrey of the Reeds: 74

Evrard de Valogne: 96


Avine de Herte: 68

Tymme Lytefelow: 91

Period Open:

Gervais Blakglove: 68


Period Crossbow:

Tymme: 240 (Career High!)

Tibentan Shoot:

Open Handbow:

Miriam Beaumont: 17

Geoffrey: 33

Open Crossbow:

Evrard: 43

Period Crossbow:

Tymme: 38

In Service,

Evrard de Valogne

Chief Archer, Wyewood

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