[Wyewood] Update: Reverse project day at Constantinople (Saturday 6/18)
'Jason Pfafman' via Wyewood list via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jun 16 15:52:50 PDT 2016
Reverse Project Day update:
Symonne and I would like to kindly thank all of those gentles that have responded thus far. We will be throwing the gates open at Saturday noon, so whenever you may be able to drop in, we would appreciate the help.
The weather forecast is looking iffy, so we don't know that we will be able to achieve as much yard work as we would like. Instead, we may have three or four walls that need a coat of paint, so if you are willing and have some paint clothes, that would be of immense help. So long as the weather does hold, we have weeding in the various parts of the yard, some pruning, and some bark to spread (if I can get my act together and get some before Saturday).
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
From: Jason Pfafman <jpfafman at yahoo.com>
To: Wyewood List <wyewood at wyewood.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 9:49 PM
Subject: Reverse project day at Constantinople
Greetings to our all of our friends in Wyewood:
After many seasons of enduring Viking raids that have burned our crops and stolen our sheep, the inhabitants of Constantinople are pulling up stakes and heading to lands elsewhere to start anew...
Okay, that makes a good period story, but we actually have more modern, first-world problems to solve. Constantine's employer is eliminating operations in Washington, and has extended the option to relocate to Hillsboro, OR (Barony of Dragon's Mist). Following an extended period of soul-searching, debates about career versus friends & family, etc., we have made a difficult choice to leave the only SCA home we have known and accept the relocation offer. To do this and get our kids in school by September, we have to get Constantinople ready for market by July 1st, such that a nice group of Crusaders can move in and loot thereafter.
Simply put, we could use assistance in getting chores around here completed. This coming Saturday, June 18th, we will be having a project day that will involve weeding, weed eating, painting, cleaning - take your pick! If you just want to come by and be social for a while, we wouldn't be adverse to that either, although for space considerations, please leave your siege equipment at home.
We will be providing lots of noshy bits and drinks, including dinner around 6PM (final menu TBD). Send a missive via your preferred courier (swallow (African or European), steed (real or coconuts), or flaming arrow) if you wish to join us in a day of slave... er... helpful labor.
Yours in desperation,
Symonne & Constantine
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