[Wyewood] Archery practice June 11 recap
Tim geyer via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jun 11 14:16:19 PDT 2016
People, scores, talking, shooting.
Margaret returned after her time away for school. A transplant from the
Pennsic area also joined us for practice. Also, we pretty much shot ALL the
things (but not all the categories of all the things.)!
We had 11 people come out. Scores were:
Irene - 38, Johann - 58, Karl - 34
Tymme - 92
Crossbow IKAC:
Tymme - 231
Open Handbow: Karl - 24, Johann - 17
Open Crossbow: Avine - 29
Period Crossbow: Avine - 28, Tymme - 44
Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS
An Tir Archery Scores Deputy
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