[Wyewood] Getting ready for Champions
Pete or Xenos via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Jul 27 14:47:55 PDT 2016
Fellow Wyewoodians, lend me your ears, your lawn mowers, weed wackers, and
strong backs.
With our Champions event weekend after next, we need to get the archery
range trimmed up and mowed since with the recent rains, it has not gone
into hiding like the rest of our Pacific Northwest lawns.
I would like to meet up on Sunday, July 31st starting at 11 am to get the
grounds ready for HE Robert <https://www.facebook.com/robert.trinitietch>
and Gabrielle <https://www.facebook.com/gabrielle.lepinay>'s final
Champion's tourney.
Additionally, would the gentle who told me that they would help run gate
please contact me? I wrote your name down, but cannot find it.
HL Xenos
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