[Wyewood] Wyewood Business Meeting Note 7/22
alessandra.dm via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Jul 25 11:48:55 PDT 2016
For those of you who attended the business meeting on Friday, Jul-22, we have a
solution to a question that was raised.
For those of you who did not attend, I will explain the question and the
The QUESTION: It was discovered that Crier Event Copy had not been submitted to
the Crier for our Wyewood Champions event. This means that no awards given out
at Champions will be official unless they are read into Court business at an
event where Crier Copy was published. It also explains why a Baronial
Changeover will not be happening on Aug-6.
The SOLUTION: Crier Event Copy has been submitted by Dame Esclarmonde for the
Arts Unframed event on Oct-8. A comprehensive list of awards that are presented
at Champions will be read at a quick court that we will hold at Arts Unframed.
Champions will also be re-invested at this short court.
And, before anyone else asks, this does not affect our baronial requirement of
having three events on the Kingdom Calendar. Kingdom Law (article VI.A.4) a)
xii) states that we must "Place at least one event per calendar year on the
Kingdom calendar, with complete event copy appearing in The Crier" and that we
must "Place a minimum of 3 events total on the Kingdom calendar."
In Service,
Alessandra da Montefeltro
Seneschal Wyewood
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