[Wyewood] Archery Report for 7/14/16

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jul 14 21:54:18 PDT 2016

Greetings all!

Today was a glorious sunny day in the 70's and not one Pokémon to be seen
at the range.
This was verified.  Apparently even Nintendo fears what might happen if
they crossed a Wyewood Archer on their home turf!

One of the many joys of being Chief Archer is submitting new scores for
archers who are finally trying Royal Rounds or IKACs for the first time.
Sometimes they are amazing scores and you wonder why they haven't before
but typically they are modest ones and then you watch week after week as
their scoring climbs as they learn.
Another is when someone tries a different bow and is so enthused by it that
in two weeks they return with their own version of it in their hands.
Geoffrey did this to me tonight after he tried my Martin Savannah a couple
weeks ago and tonight he brought his own.
And then he was amazing with it, day one.

Watch out Wyewood Archery Champion competitors, Geoffrey is out to bring it
in August!

To the Scores!


Evrard: 84

Brynn Hardi: 24 (First Score EVER!)

Johann: 53


Tymme: 99

Evrard: 88


Geoffrey: 87 (First Score in LB!)

Period Crossbow:

Tymme: 94

Period Longbow:

Gervais: 74

In service,

Evrard de Valogne

Chief Archer of Wyewood

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