[Wyewood] Rain or Shine!! Peasants Revel -- Saturday, 7/9, 1pm

'Jason Pfafman' via Wyewood list via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jul 8 15:04:43 PDT 2016

Now back in the day when *I* was a peasant, we didn't need canvas over our heads to protect us from the good Lord's rain.  In fact, canvas hadn't even been invented yet!  We were perfectly happy being miserable out in the mucky fields, toiling away for the thankless Lord and Lady.  And look, now the kids these days have cheese wheels to roll down the hills.  Our hills only went UP, I tell you.  None of this fancy downhill drivel.  

Constantine the Grumpy

      From: Sarra the Brave via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
 To: wyewood at wyewood.org 
 Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 2:46 PM
 Subject: [Wyewood] Rain or Shine!! Peasants Revel -- Saturday, 7/9, 1pm
Fellow peasants,
There is a possibility of rain tomorrow so we will have lots of canvas &
other cover available, just in case we get more than sprinkles.

We are An Tir peasants -- we will enjoy our revel whether we have rain or

Sarra the Meek
PIC - peasant in charge

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Hello fellow peasants!
After supporting our Lords' & Ladies' travels far to the East for the 50
Year Celebration, South to War, and North to witness the Coronation in our
neighboring Kingdom, this Saturday is our annual day off. *phew*

Please come to David Rodgers Park on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle to play
silly games, lounge, and enjoy a lovely peasant dinner. (Bring your friends
-- this is a GREAT event for newcomers!!)

Show your colours in support of either Borton on the Water or Sodbury to do
good-natured peasant "battle" (awesomely fun games) to win the honour of
placing the boundary stone to your village's advantage for the following

Chase a wheel of cheese down the hill (or watch & laugh as others chase).
-- please contact Spike (Maddy DuMont <maddydumont *at* comcast *.* net) to
donate & reserve your personal wedge.

Their Excellencies Madrone are scheduled to join us for a short time to
collect their annual peasant "taxes".
Remember, these are peasant taxes (small, cheap & fun). ;-) It's been a
very rainy year, were you flooded and unable to grow much? Bring your
"best" over-watered plant with a short fun story. Was it a long, hot
journey to the park? Did you bring your last egg (hard-boiled)?

Then, enjoy a lovely peasant dinner of soup, bread, cheese (softened by
rolling down the hill), pickled bits, and cool beverages -- all for a
peasant price of $4.

Remember to wear your "best" peasant garb! ;-)

We hope you will join us for this fun day in the park!

Kingdom Calendar - http://antir.sca.org/Upcoming/index.php?Event_ID=4025
Sarra the Meek
PIC -- peasant in charge

Sarra the Brave, GdS, JdL
*Sable Sable, Kingdom of An Tir*
*Deputy Seneschal, Barony of Madrone*
*Protege to* Mistress Tuirrean dal gCais

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Madrone at antir.sca.org
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