[Wyewood] Honey War in Glymm Mere this weekend.
robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jul 7 21:29:15 PDT 2016
Do not make her excellency angry. for she hath both the
death stare and the best archers in the known world.
Hope all of you can come and watch the impending carnage.
Baron Robert
The SCA floats on a sea of jellied traditions.
Surrounded by shoals of well ground axes,
and a herd of dead horses.??
-- Robert Trinitie The Chickenhearted. AS: teens -
ADDENDUM: ... and scented with the aroma of Biffy Mints.
--?? wishes to remain unknown AS:42?? --
From: Wyewood <wyewood-bounces at lists.wyewood.org> on behalf of Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 9:24 PM
To: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Subject: Re: [Wyewood] Honey War in Glymm Mere this weekend.
(Laughing) You beat me to this by a few minutes and spoke more
eloquently than I could! Thank you so much!
I took great offense at the barbaric words of the Norseman Baron Heignst
at the Glymm Mere Yule feast. In my anger, I offered Baroness Aelisa the
best I had- Wyewood archers. I will bring her my sword. I ask my archers
join me. I ask my artisans join me. I ask all Wyewoodians and
mercenaries who will join me to fight for the side of right, just and
courteous at Honey War.
I wish to serve in so many ways in the SCA. This weekend I want to serve
Blath An Or and their allies all they can eat feathered death.
In humble service,
Baroness Gabrielle
On 7/7/2016 9:16 PM, David Keil via Wyewood wrote:
> Greetings Archers of Wyewood!
> This weekend presents an opportunity to showcase your skills in the name of
> our fair Barony. Baroness Gabrielle has promised that the famed and
> dreaded archers of Wyewood would be there to display their prowess and win
> the war point for the One Hundred Beers War.
> How could we possibly let her down?
> There will be beer themed novelty shoots!
> There will be York Rounds!
> There will be the Glymm Mere Baronial Champion competition! (Be a darn
> shame if a Wyewoodian won that ;-)
> There will be a prize for best overall archer! (I know because I'm sending
> it down with Tristan.)
> The weather could be interesting/wet but instead of not shooting at a
> closed range due to rain you could show the knowne world that an An Tiran
> archer laughs at the rain and carries on! It's a proud tradition to be wet
> and still shooting well. Besides, some wool and a good hood is a perfect
> way to stay comfortable out there!
> Besides...
> No one has taken the TAM slot for Saturday and all my contingency TAMs are
> going to be at Honey War.
> So go, have fun, and spread the word fame of the dreaded Wyewood Archer!
> In Service,
> Evrard de Valogne
> Chief Archer of Wyewood
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