[Wyewood] REMINDER: Baronial Polling is coming to your Barony on March-25 - Renew Your Memberships NOW

alessandra.dm via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Feb 22 20:34:34 PST 2016

As printed on Page 5 of the March Crier:

    Baron Robert de la Trinitie and Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay, of the Barony of
Wyewood, announce their intention to hold a confidence poll at the regular
business meeting on March 25, 2016 at 8pm. The Business meeting is held at the
United Christian Church, 15509 16th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058.

     If PAID members of Wyewood or the Wyewood sergeantry are unable to attend
this in-person polling, please contact HL Alessandra da Montefeltro, Wyewood
Seneschal, at seneschal at wyewood.org before March 12 to request an Absentee
Polling form. This form will be mailed to the address on file in Milpitas.
 Absentee Polls must be postmarked no later than March 25 to be included.

     Be aware that in order to participate in the upcoming Baronial Confidence
Polling you must be a PAID SCA Member.  Renew your membership before March 1st
in order to participate in the March 25th poll.

In Service,

HL Alessandra da Montefeltro 
Seneschal Wyewood

=== And to quote the Q and A from HL Constantine Trewpenny ===
Q: Is a polling different from a vote?
A: It is important to understand that this is not a vote.  Think of the poll as
an advisory to the Crown on how the populace feels.  Ultimately, the Crown makes
the choice They best see fit.  However, it is not unrealistic to believe that
the polling will be an important factor in the final decision.

Q: Do we find out the results of the poll?
A: The polling is a black-box affair.  Percentages are not revealed by the
Kingdom Seneschal or the Crown in any case.  Upon the decision of the Crown, the
Kingdom Seneschal notifies the branch as to whether the Baron and Baroness will
continue or not.

Q: What happens if They are approved?
A: Upon approval, the Baron and Baroness continue for a second three-year term.
 It is common for the Coronets to be called into Royal Court for a brief
investiture to inaugurate Their second term.
> Q: And if They are not approved?A: In the event the Crown declines to grant a
> second term to the Baron and Baroness, new candidates will be sought to
> fulfill the position.  That process is not covered here.

Q: Why is renewing my membership necessary?
A: Only currently paid SCA members living within Wyewood or serving as a branch
officer are allowed to poll.  You may manage your membership through this link:
http://www.sca.org/members/.  Remember, children with their own paid membership
may be eligible to poll as well.

Q: How do I know if I live within Wyewood?
A: Trivia bit: Wyewood and Madrone are the only branches within An Tir (even
when we included Avacal) that are not divided solely along political boundaries.
 The population of King County allows for a split that is roughly northern and
southern halves.  Membership (you remembered to get paid up, right?) is
designated by the zip code you live in, and each branch is defined by the
collection of zip codes they hold.  All of the current zip codes may be found in
the handy Wyewood Customary, Section
Q: What if I live outside of the branch but play in Wyewood?
A: This situation is common for all the branches residing in the Puget Sound
region.  If you play in Wyewood but live outside the referenced zip codes, you
are not eligible to poll.  Currently serving officers and Sergeantry are the
exception.  While ineligible to poll, you may still be able to write a letter of
comment.  Letters of comment may or may not be considered by Kingdom; please
await further information from the Seneschal as we get closer to the polling

Q: Wyewood has a polling date of March 25th.  What may I expect to happen?
A: Save the date, and remember to bring your valid membership card as it is an
in-person polling. Your completed polling form will be handed to a
representative of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal - not your baronial Seneschal.

Q: I want to learn more; or, I am just too sheepish to admit I need a new sleep
A: Why believe some crank on the Internet?  Go read it for yourself!  Although,
the document is found on the Internet, which itself becomes a conundrum, does it

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