[Wyewood] Awards presented to the Barony at Ursalmas
Angela Wheeler via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Feb 2 20:52:40 PST 2016
In other words from a number of people, Wyewood ROCKS! I'm sorry I missed it.
Congratulations to all those recognized by the Crown. The look on some of the faces makes me smile. Well earned ladies, gentlemen and youngsters.
With a smile on my heart, I am
Lady Kira
A friend of the Barony
On February 1, 2016, at 12:29 PM, Pete or Xenos via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:
A lot of cool happenings occurred this last weekend at the Evergreen
Our very own HL John de Percy won the combat archery tourney.
The Barony was given friends of the Principality of the Summits status for
hosting them.
Haak was awarded the honor of the Lion's Cub for teaching period games, and
Your Baroness, HE Gabrielle LePinay was awarded the Sable Gauntlet for 20
almost 20 years of promoting rapier combat and skills within the kingdom.
I want to thank Arabella, Gabriel, Vashti, Donatello, Marguerite, and HE
Robert for the assistance with the hospitality table for our guests.
Additionally, Geoffrey of the Reeds, and Debra assisted with the shelter.
If I have missed anybody, I apologize.
In Service to Wyewood,
HL Xenos
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