[Wyewood] One more call for armorial additions

Ruslund Geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Dec 31 14:52:54 PST 2016

Greetings all, 
These are the names I have to be added to the armorials so far.  If you
aren't on this list and should be, please email me with a copy of your
device.  If you think someone should be listed but aren't sure, email me and
I'll check.

Symonne d'Awaille
Tymme Lytefelow 
Alessandra da Montefeltro
Jorunn Aslaksdotter
Donato Asino 
Aetheria de Fleury
Alamanda de Claret
Bjorn Styrkarsson
Dietrich Eckhart von Katzenburg
Leo le Firse 
Sofia de Toledo 
Eva van den Berg. 
Sibylla Penrose of Netherhays 
Liadain ni Sheanachain  
Fiona Drummond of Perth 
Ramon Diaz de la Vega 

Avine Blak Shepe

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