[Wyewood] Feast of St. Bubba registration and more activities

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Dec 11 19:20:54 PST 2016

Even more activities at Feast of St. Bubba- February 4, 2017!

Registration is open, as is limited feast seating- don’t miss out!

You already know that there will be a brewing competition and largess 
tournament, but there will be so much more!

Dancing with Maestra Sara de Bonneville, teaching and enjoying dances 
from the time of the Court of Love.Enjoy dancing with your partner at 
the Court of Love and build and appetite for feasting to follow.

And if that were not enough- sharpen your sword for the Rapier Rose 
Tourney. A round robin with flowers provided. The defeated opponent will 
provide a rose to the inspiration of the victor with a flowery speech to 
the qualities of that gentle who inspired his or her fighter to 
victory.Prize for best inspiration provided by Lady Wulfryn, and prize 
for best flowery speech.

There is more fun and joy to be had, and there will be more missives to 
follow, but for now, make sure you don’t miss out by registering today at :


In joy and service,

Baroness Gabrielle

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