[Wyewood] Archery practice Dec 10 recap

Tim geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Dec 10 15:58:01 PST 2016

We had 11 people sign in to gate.  Of them, 4 were regulars, and 2 were
accompanying adults for the 5 older kids who came for the first time.  Avine
did an excellent job teaching them, with some assistance from Rignach.  The
new seasonal SSAC (Society Seasonal Archery Challenge) was put up for any to
shoot, and so 3 of us took advantage of that.  The rain held off until
around the 12:30-12:45 mark, allowing us to pretty much get a full practice
in.  On to the scores:



Johann - 60



Tymme - 93



Open Handbow:

Rignach - 90, Johann - 108


Period Crossbow:

Tymme - 205


The scores will be entered next weekend as part of my "How to use the scores
site" class at Glymm Mere Yule.


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

An Tir Archery Scores Deputy


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